Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Caught in a trap


The occasion came and went like a soft rainstorm or maybe in between the popup showers of summer. Perhaps the rhythm was perfect, Sammie thought now. 

Her dress wasn't fancy, but she wore white for her brother Mario and she could see Rico was glad too. Then Gabe's brother and his partner were part of the wedding party, as well. Naturally, Rico was a bit of a straggler even if Vada did her best to make him look appropriate for the humid day. 

Honestly, Sammie didn't think it was all so necessary, but there was Deano to officiate while his wife Caitlin was there with the sour look that she hated weddings, indeed. Although, it felt like a blur now. Sammie threw up afterward as if it might be a sign to come.

She was certain it wasn't what anyone was thinking. Oh, to be happy and yet so jittery. Why was life like that? 

There was plenty of brisket and so much to eat. But she couldn't handle it. And then Carmen showed up with Justin. She felt bad that Carmen hadn't been part of the wedding party. Sammie hated to announce to Carmen, "I didn't even want a wedding party!"

But Carmen was all smiles. Not at all like she used to be. She even said hello to Rico who snubbed her and walked away with Vada as if they might be next in line for some such event.

Sammie knew it was best to stay mute. Carmen reached out to her and gave her a hug.

"It's OK," she whispered in her ear. "Everything is going to be fine."

It started to rain again, right after they sent Gabe and Sammie off to Adventureland for their honeymoon. Rico didn't think much about the weather. He kept a clear head and got Vada back to her place. After all, she drank herself silly and held on to him for each dance that played. Vada wanted him to stay, but he said no.

Big mistake. He went back to his place in the basement studio apartment that was still in Vada's name. It felt like it was the beginning of a bad night. Besides, he needed to be alone. Thoughts of Carmen kept coming back to haunt him. Wondering what was going on with his ex who was with Vada's ex. Were they more than roommates?

Rico turned in early, just in his tank and boxers, hoping he could dream of better times and better places with or without Vada. He didn't want to need her, but it seemed she depended on him and she wanted him to depend on her too. Was that the way a relationship worked? 

He thought of Liv, that other Ex. The first Ex. Naturally, it left him sick. What had he ever done to her but to be kind and always there for her. But maybe she really wasn't what she'd seemed. Maybe she knew how he wasn't tough enough after all. Maybe he was always a nobody. That throw-away kid. He was just a check from his mother's ex, every month and then her bonafide babysitter for her next family who still depended on that check from his dad.

He'd wanted to be Liv's everything, but she had her family issues and then Carmen, it felt kind of like a repeat. Yeah, maybe he was figuring his track record with girlfriends now. But Vada was older but not that much wiser. He didn't know what she was expecting. Finally, he drifted off thinking of his own island far from this landlocked place. 

When he awoke, he could hear the waters bubbling in. The power was already out while the waters rose. Almost to his chin.

It was the freakest thing he'd ever witnessed in the dead of night. He wanted to find a way out as his body went cold in the dark waters, and he swam his way up, bumping his head on the ceiling.


  1. Oh wow terrible experience waking up with water around you

  2. Oh God! What end for this chapter!!!
    So interesting
    Thanks for sharing
    Kisses ♥

  3. Oh wow that's powerful. I hated to see Rico snub Carmen, but then to get in his head later. He's really struggling with his exes. And then the flooding!

  4. Uy pobrecitos. Ojala estén bien. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso y cuidate mucho.

  5. hola
    ains, me has dejado con ganas de mas

    1. You have left me wanting more🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 THANK YOU💗

  6. Very interesting episode Ellie !!
    I also really liked the collage pictures you put up today!!


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