Friday, June 14, 2024

When the time is right


June was full of surprises for Liv and then it felt like hell for a couple of weeks before it was settled about her job at the language school. Also, this meant no camping trip to the beach for her and Woo.

There was no time to even text Jade. Liv hoped Jade was having a good summer with Ari.  When Liv found out Jade went to lunch with Mona, she knew that couldn't be good. Naturally, she wanted to remind Jade how they neither liked Mona. After all, Liv had a history with Mona when she dated her brother Tristan. She always felt Mona brought out the worst in her brother, but she did her best not to talk about that when she did get a chance to phone Jade. It was great to connect with her old friend back in Nebraska.

"Sounds like things are working out for you," Jade left it short and sweet. It was as if she knew Liv was busy. But it felt as if they might lose each other in the process and Liv didn't want that.

"Hey, we might go on a road trip," Jade told her. Ari hadn't decided. Hopefully this month.

"Did you get your marriage license?" Liv asked, still unsure what that meant here. Although, she thought it might be best if she and Woo did get married. Still, they hadn't talked about it at great lengths. 

"Well.. here's the thing, I told him we needed to go on a road trip to decide. I want to get married on the beach like my parents did." Jade told her they were getting a marriage license. At least she knew they would get married.

Liv could sense Jade's smile. "That is so cool," Liv was happy for her. Funny, how she felt so happy to hear from her, but no one else back home.

Liv broke down and told her she guessed she was a bad person. "What if it was me who broke up Rico and Carmen?"

"What are you talking about?" Jade laughed as if they might have a bad connection.

"Oh, I  said something to my mom about Rico. I dunno why I did it." She felt bad about it. She knew she should be happy for her ex Rico who had moved on.

"Are you still in love with him?"


But that mournful yelp might have sounded different. 

"I just knew, I  had to get away from him. I wanted to go some place new, you know." She pressed her lips tight. It was hard fitting in somewhere else, especially in a different country, but she'd worked so hard learning Korean.

She knew Woo needed her too. He wanted to speak English. Yet, she needed to learn his native language too. It was coming together, yet like climbing a mountain that didn't seem to end.

Liv wanted to touch base with Rico but knew it was too late. They could never be friends.


  1. Interpersonal relationships can be complicated. Communication is important but some people get it wrong...

  2. Always dificult to write about relationships

  3. Another interesting episode Ellie!

  4. Uy me dio pena por Liv. Te mando un beso.

  5. hola
    nunca es demasiado tarde, seguro que en algรบn momento pueden acercar posiciones

    1. hello
      it's never too late, I'm sure that at some point you can bring positions closer ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—Thanks so much!

  6. Jade and Woo plan to get married on the beach, like Jade's parents. How lovely!

  7. great but this cardigan is amazing

  8. Sometimes it is really too late to he friends....but we shouldn't give up on friendship too easily.


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