Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Just do it!


"I think they'll get married," Jade said about Mona and Hoyt while eating a dinner of meatballs and mashed potatoes with Ari.

Really, she wanted to talk to Liv about it, but since Liv finally got on at the language school she had been in a lot of fierce training. She mainly graded English papers. She was tested and everything. Jade knew Ari was tired of hearing about it, so there was always Mona to talk about.

"Well, she hasn't told her mother anything," which meant he didn't know.

"I guess meeting that Simone set her straight on Hoyt." She crammed some potatoes, meat and gravy in her mouth wishing they'd had salads instead. It was June and the heat was on. But they had on the AC. She was glad Ari was firm believer in keeping the place cool, cause they really could work up a sweat.

"What are you smiling about?" He wanted to know as he played with his mashed potatoes and decided to give a bite of his meatball to her. She obliged and rammed some mashed potatoes in his mouth.

Somehow he managed to say they should take a vacation.

"A vacation?" Oh, he had her in stitches. Was he serious? "Where?"

"Um, you decide," he looked at her as if she was in control.

"No, we decide," she looked at him blankly as she put her fork down. "You know it's expensive and've got that new car to pay for."

"I know," he looked away as if she was ruining this for him.

"We could take a car trip," she suggested.

"A car trip?" He squinted.

"Then we can decide if we really want to get married." Jade shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"If we can't make a road trip together then we shouldn't get married." She took a sip of water and grabbed the plates to clean.

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be?"

He was in a huff, crossing his arms as if he didn't like this test.

"Let's go to Texas," he wanted her to decide. "If we make it all the way to Corpus Christie, we'll get married." It was then she told him about her parents' wedding on the beach. "My mom wanted to get married in her bikini but the guy doing the wedding made her wear her cutoffs."


  1. YES to a road trip! Will be such an amazing adventure!


  2. I like the ending of the chapter

  3. Genial fragmento. Va ser un viaje complicado. Te mando un beso.

  4. Nice chapter..thanks for sharing dear :-)

  5. It can't be smooth in big decision, but love the way they express their desires. Enjoy reading it.

  6. hola
    me encantan los viajes, pero el planteamiento de que si no llegan a la ciudad de Corpus no se casan me da que pensar... igual no estén preparados para hacerlo aun.

    1. hello
      I love traveling, but the idea that if they don't arrive in the city of Corpus they won't get married makes me think... maybe they are not ready to do it yet. 💕🌸🩷🌈Oh, I think it's more of a dare. I find Jade wanting adventure while Ari doesn't want to throw caution to the wind.

  7. After all,
    I think they should get married.
    No one is ever completely sure,
    let them leave the fears and follow the heart.!!
    Another beautiful episode Ellie!

  8. Warm greetings keep writing. Warm greetings from the island nation. I also write on the blog, your writing is really neat

  9. Other incredible chapter
    Thanks for sharing
    Have an incredible weekend!! ♥


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