Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I knew we were meant to be


Wade didn't see it coming. Not with his baby brother Elvis, but Elvis rarely went solo when he asked him to meet up at the coffee shop. Of course, it was too hot for coffee and they got cold frappucinos even if Wade knew it was too late in the day for him to have caffeine. After all, Elvis was buying so it had to be good news.

Elvis told him about the baby. No way could Wade react. Roxanne pregnant. He hated the fact it was her. Anyone else and he'd be a happy fool. Now he just had to act like one. 

"That's just great," Wade knew he was being silly after he choked on the drink and almost spewed it on Elvis who was grinning like an idiot.

"I know. I know you don't think it'll happen." Elvis finally sighed as his smile faded. He played with the straw in his thick creamy drink. He wouldn't even look at Wade.

"Well," Wade winced. "She never wanted kids with Pan."

"He never wanted kids."

Wade looked at him blankly. For a fleeting moment, he thought Pan would make a good dad. Wade never thought he could do it. He cleared his throat.

"Maybe, this..this is the way it's supposed to be."

Wade was serious, and that's when Elvis told him about Rox's egg situation. Naturally, Wade was thinking about the dozen you pick up at the supermarket.

"Is that what they're calling it these days?" Wade smirked. Elvis didn't comment. "See?" Wade knew he had to be happy for Elvis. "It was meant to be. And..and I'll try to be the best uncle I can be." He spoke up for Pan as if he'd be there every step of the way.

"Does this mean you and Pan are getting married?" Elvis looked him in the eye. Wade thought he might fall off his chair in the empty coffee shop.

"What about you?" He came back with. He told him Elvis and Rox were the ones to get married. 


  1. Two brothers...and a lot of news. A baby! Roxanne's pregnant and Elvis cannot look Wade in the eyes... I see how that makes Wade feel with the news and everything.
    Elvis asking whether Wade plans to get married to Pan...and Wade answering question with a question. It seems these two brothers have a lot to talk about.
    Nice chapter!
    Talk of marriage is always exciting, isn't it? And it always feels like it's coming somewhere of the sudden, even when you know that it's been planned or anticipated.
    It's hard to know when you're ready.
    A lot of people get cold feet even if they are certain they are in love.

  2. Lots of news. Nice day dear!!!

  3. Wooo how interesting chapter"! Can't wait to know more and more
    Thanks for sharing ♥

  4. Oh que dulce fragmento. Me sacaste un suspiro. Te mando un beso.

  5. hola
    este capítulo me ha gustado mucho


  6. I can always drink coffee, even when it's hot. :)
    Have a nice evening!

  7. Hum...então vem dois casamentos por aí!
    Um bom restinho de semana! :)

  8. A little back and forth. The previous history a little intimidating w/ PAn. I love all the coffeee drinks.

    I saw a Steff/ Andi ship theory once by one of the YA authors and it was... interesting


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