Sunday, July 28, 2024

I wait for him forever

 "Well, why are you here?" Sunny looks at Liv with worried eyes. "How did you know where to go?" Her surprise look searches for Woo, but he's nowhere in sight. 

Louie is behind Sunny and invites Liv in. He asks if she needs a cup of tea or water. She says tea would be fine as if she's gonna stay awhile.

Sunny keeps watching her hoping she isn't saying goodbye. Although, she always wanted that, things are different now with Louie. She likes it here. She likes sharing an apartment with him. They have danced the awkwardness into the ground now. This is home. Their home, even if they are in separate rooms. But she knows she's not to discuss it now.

Louie gets the kettle going and searches through the cupboard for anything that might look like a presentable snack, finally, he drags out the wilted grapes and the bag of cherries that look rather decent.

She tells him, "Not the cherries," but he doesn't listen. He washes them up and puts them in a bowl. Thankfully, Liv won't look at them. Soon enough the cups are ready and Louie serves it. They all find seats. Sunny sets across the little kitchen table from Liv and Louie is in between as if she might need to referee.

"Why didn't Woo come?" Sunny wants to know, thinking it's about him.

"He didn't want you to know," Liv starts, "But..but I felt it best to let you both know. Hart has been arrested."

"Arrested?" Louie winces hard. "Why?"

Sunny only frowns, imagining him in a dank cell with some swarthy men, all by his lonesome. No one to save him. Sunny cradles her tea as if there has to be more. Why isn't Liv telling them more?

"I don't really know," Liv shrugs as if she is as baffled as they are.

"It's the guns," Sunny looks to Louie.

"Guns?" Liv looks at her as if that is strange. "Just how do you know?"

"Oh, he's got books on them. I mean I didn't find actual guns, but he had things about being an active shooter." Sunny tells her.

"You think he shot someone?"

"I have no idea," Sunny's face tenses. She'd been so happy this summer and now she feels sad.


  1. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  2. Oh My God
    I only can say that with this chapter
    How interesting it is!!!
    I need more soon
    Thanks for sharing your amazing stories! Have a nice day ♥

  3. Drama -Christine

  4. Sunny seems to be really worried about Hart being arrested.
    That's life. It has ups and downs.

  5. summer is a great season....
    the life is not smooth.... always...
    interesting story

  6. Uy pobre Sunny. Te mando un beso.

  7. Just passing by to wish you a great week ahead!

  8. hola
    estupendo capítulo, deseando de leer el siguiente

  9. Thank you! I love read your story :)

  10. Your narration is so vivid I can almost imagine the scene!
    Your ability to build tension and keep the reader in suspense is admirable!
    Thank you Ellie❤️

  11. The bad news - Hart has been arrested. Was probably considered an active shooter. Sunny only saw he had books on guns. The whole thing of the arrest obviously made her sad.


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