Saturday, July 20, 2024

I'll be here every night and day


It might as well have been an earthquake. Rox thought she might collapse when she saw the results in the bathroom. It was a rush of excitement for Elvis. Before she knew it, he had her down to the Emergency Care to get checked out which meant going on to the hospital.  Just what Rox wanted to do on an early Saturday morning. NOT.

Just as she was mumbling herself while on rewind, trying to figure out why she took the goddamn test in the first place. Oh yeah, Elvis brought it home because he thought she was coming down with something. He thought it might be best.

"Well, it's good that you got pregnant, when you did," The female doctor told her she didn't have that many eggs to begin with.

"Eggs?" It made her nauseous. 

"This might be your only chance to have one." The doctor's words left her in limbo. How could this be happening? Then she looked at Elvis and wanted to tell him it was all his fault. Of course, she hadn't been on birth control since she'd met him.

"We can do this!" She knew Elvis' promise was genuine. 

Rox nodded. But it was a lot to think about. Especially, the next nine months. She touched her stomach. She would be going through changes. Was she mentally up for it? Of course, she was the assistant manager at Mel's now. This meant she focused a lot of attention on scheduling people to work and making sure supplies were always there for good use.

"I think I have to go throw up." She went to the bathroom and did her thing. She cried as she washed her face. She knew she needed to do this for the both of them. They were moving forward. She'd never felt life going so fast and yet so steady. This was no time to freak out. She was going to have a baby.

This was the new Rox, not old Roxanne who used to be with Pan. But she couldn't help to think, if she and Pan had had a baby it would be in third grade by now. She blinked tears. What was the use of thinking of imaginary children? This was real with Elvis. And she knew she needed to be her healthiest.

On the way home, he showed her an opening in personnel at the University. "I don't want you on your feet. You need a nice place to work."

"But it is nice-" Rox hesitated.

"Not that nice," he told her. "I want to be close by."

Rox took a deep breath. She guessed she would apply.


  1. Dilemmas that girls find themselves in, life is good to win!
    Very beautiful and understandable text Ellie.
    I enjoyed it and I was happy for the end/beginning of a new life!!
    Have a great weekend Ellie!

  2. The begining and the end are both so powerful

  3. It takes a lot having another life, its a nice start.

  4. I hope she's happy with the decision too.


  5. Ojala todo le salga bien. Me gusto el fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  6. Very interesting. Have a nice sunday 🙂

  7. Incredible chapter, like always!!!
    Your stories are my "safe place" so thank you for share with us
    Kisses ♥

  8. Wish you a wonderful new week

  9. Maravilhosa publicação!
    Obrigada por
    Bjins de boa nova

  10. Preggers! I feel like I haven't read about Elvis in AGES. Course I probably havent lol with my hiatus. I hope she gets the job...

    1. I haven't written a lot about these 2 lately. I feel they are both growing for the better. And I even changed Elvis' faceclaim.


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