Friday, August 23, 2024

But you don't know what it's like


When the storm hit, the wind made everyone get to the stairwell. The sirens kept going. Little did Jade know it would mean Mona and Hoyt would be staying with them.

"But, his mom has power," Jade didn't understand. Of course, Ari wasn't going anywhere. They could have gone to Mona's parents.

 Instead, it was the four of them. Why couldn't Mona be alone with Hoyt?

"Trust me, it's better this way," Mona was secretive about it while they went to find every flashlight in the place, and candles.

Hopefully, they could make it through the night without using their phones, but of course, everyone was checking in with everyone else the first hour. Of course, there was no Internet. 

"I'm sure the power will be back on by morning," Jade said about the matter. She got out things from the fridge while they were still good. They had a sandwich party and did their best to keep cool. 

The boys went outside and Mona stayed behind to clean up in the dark.

"I don't think Hoyt can live without his phone," she said.

"Well, I think we all feel that way. We do love our phones," Jade shrugged.

"No, he's always on it." 

Mona sounded concerned.

"Doing what?" Jade winced.

"Gaming, I guess." Mona mentioned he was always texting the guys at work. "It's just what he does."

"And it doesn't bother you?" Jade knew Ari wasn't on his phone that often. Sure he was in touch with Pan and Justin, but not all the time.

"I don't know, sometimes, it's good." She was practically mute. "Less time for us to have to talk, all the time."

Jade winced, thinking she thought Mona was the clingy one, not Hoyt.

Before long all they could do was to say good night. Still no power, but at least Ari coaxed the two to go back to their place.

"Do you think they'll be OK?" Jade asked. As it was they were both in a sweat and were wearing as little as possible.

"Oh, he's such a baby," Ari said about the matter, but he was glad they'd left. After all, he hated going to the bathroom while company was here. And from the sound of things, she thought he might be getting sick.

"Are you sure, you are all right?" Jade knew it was the beginning of a bad night. Ari vomited again.


  1. I agree with Jade that we all love our phones, hehe.

  2. Nossa, Ari está passando mal, é horrível vomitar.
    E sem energia e sem internet, é o caos.
    Mas pior mesmo é quando falta água.
    Boas inspirações!


  3. everything always comes at once ..

  4. Pobre Ari. Te mando un beso.


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