Thursday, August 1, 2024

Where you venture, I will follow

 Elvis was pleased when Rox got on at the University as a maintenance secretary. Possibly, she didn't like anyone knowing about it, but it paid the bills and helped with the insurance. 

"It could lead to something else," Elvis knew she had the talent and she wouldn't be on her feet.

"But you aren't on a walk-talkie all day with men," Rox told him. However, she didn't pout too much about it. There were other women she worked with and he knew she could get used to it. Elvis was settling into his job and could hardly wait to be a Daddy.

"Now if only we weren't alone," he said one night after dinner. He did the cleaning up leaving her to watch.

"What do you mean?" She sounded curious. Of course, she was already holding her stomach as if she about to pop although, she wasn't showing.

"I don't know, you know, another couple to help guide us, I guess," Elvis shrugged. He was certain there was an app for that, but he wished they knew another pregnant couple.

"Well, as long as we are both there for all the appointments," Rox said. "It should be fine."

She was wearing more loose clothing these days, which he thought was kind of funny since most women wore the tightest outfits to show off the baby bump. But Rox was always slumming in her cosmic sleep pants and baggy tee the moment she got home. Usually, she was sick as soon as she stepped in the apartment and then couldn't eat enough bread and butter. Elvis didn't know she would be this way, but he didn't know what to expect.

Also, she was not very nice to her mother. Funny, her mother called every night, but the phone calls ended bitterly. 

"You need to be nice to her, we might need her to babysit someday," he'd said about the matter. Of course, she bit back. "I don't want her to even see the baby."

It was a delicate subject. Really, he wondered if he needed to find a Soon To Be Daddy support group, but as luck would have it, Weezer called. He was gonna be a daddy too.


  1. I loved the chapter. It's difficult to go through a pregnancy, I hope she has a large support network.

  2. It's nice have some friendly company in dificult moments.

  3. Elvis is a great adiction to the story:-)

  4. It's easy to say to somebody to be nicer to their parents, be it their mother or father, but we cannot judge if we don't know the whole story.
    Sometimes people carry a lot of negative memories from their childhood and they need to distance themselves from their parents as adults.
    Of course it's best just to forgive and start afresh but this isn't always possible.
    Pregnancy must especially be hard for women.

  5. I understand her liking to wear loose clothes. I'm not pregnant, and I also like to dress loosely :)

  6. It's great to hear that Elvis's friend Weezer is also expecting, as it might be just the support Elvis needs. They could share experiences and advice, which might make the journey a bit smoother.

    I have just shared a new blog post and I would love for you to check it out and give me your feedback on Thank you!

  7. Uy es duro ser padre. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  8. hola
    ains, me has dejado con ganas de mas


  9. I wish you a wonderful weekend

  10. A gravidez é mesmo um momento especial mas requer muitos cuidados e há outro pai nesta estória! Bom fim de semana! 😍😘


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