Sunday, September 8, 2024

Everyone must stand alone

 "Oh, my God!" Jade couldn't think of anything else to say about the matter when Liv told her the news. All Jade could hear was her heart thumping. She was overjoyed and possibly felt she was behind with the times. All she'd done this summer was get married. Her friend was going to have a baby. Suddenly, it felt they were not in the same group anymore. Jade leaned against the kitchen counter. Why was she never any place else in the apartment? Still as she leaned there she thought she might be dizzy from her friend's unexpected news.

" what does this mean, exactly?" She hated to ask, yet she was Liv's bestie.

"Oh, we will get married," Liv sounded calm about it. 

"Is that what you want to do?" Jade didn't feel it in Liv's voice.

"Well, yeah," Liv assured her she'd wanted to marry Woo from the moment she met him. "It's just I didn't want to..have this excuse."

Jade didn't understand. "But..but you're having a baby."

"And..and it's so scary. What if .."

Jade didn't want her to say it, but instead said, "Did you tell your Mom?"

"Well.." There was a growing silence. For a second Jade thought the call was dropped.

"What do you mean? I'm the first to know?" Jade was shocked. She wanted to tell Liv that she needed to talk to her mom more. Jade wished she could. Immediately, Jade was teary eyed, overcome with emotions. She pulled her curls from her face.

"I will, I just want to wait a little while longer," Liv said she knew it would excite her mom and she needed to see how things went for the rest of the month.

"OK, I..I get it." Jade sighed. But she knew she couldn't keep this from Ari. She had to tell someone about Liv's news.


  1. The text is well written and has a good flow.
    The use of dialogue helps develop the characters and move the story forward.
    Anyway a pregnancy is happy news, at least for Greece!!
    I really enjoyed your text Ellie.
    I love how your stories are progressing!!
    Have a beautiful day!

  2. I wish you a wonderful Sunday <3

  3. I think that you are a great writter dear. Happy Sunday

  4. Good news - Liv is going to have a baby. Hasn't told her Mom yet, only her best friend Jade. Congrats, Liv!

  5. Liv está vivendo muitas emoções juntas: ficar grávida e se casar.
    Ela vai precisar de muito apoio da amiga e da mãe também.

    1. Liv is experiencing many emotions together: getting pregnant and getting married.
      She will need a lot of support from her friend and her mother as well.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Thanks for you comment.

  6. Uy genial fragmento, Me sorprendiste. Te mando un beso.

  7. Ooh congrats Liv! I'm behind but this is big news!

  8. Nice chapter!!!
    So happy to read your stories one time more
    Have a incredible day ♥

  9. hola
    no veo muy segura a Liv, a ver que pasa

  10. Very interesting chapter. Have a nice day 😊

  11. the flow makes story interesting.....
    have a nice day

  12. Lubię jak w teście jest dużo emocji. Gratuluję Ellie super robota. Dobrze że Jesteś. Ja bardzo miło wspominam swoje zajście w ciąże.


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