Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Never have I ever before

 Rico kept thinking it wasn't a date. They just bumped into each other at the coffee shop. He didn't think Reese remembered him, but she did and here they were waiting for cold smoothies to drink. They both agreed it was too early for pumpkin spice. Actually, neither were pumpkin spike people. Rico took it as a good sign. After all, they only had English Lit together. 

But as luck would have it he bumped into Mona when he was getting the drinks and Reese was finding at booth.

"Why are you with her?" She glared at him as if he'd gone bonkers while he had to wonder what was her problem.

"What do you mean?" He squinted, holding the icy drinks that were sweating into his hands. He was in his nice shorts, and had his Uni gear. She was being strange and he just wanted to go and talk to Reese about nothing.

"She is so, Liv," Mona snapped, hugging herself.

"No, she isn't," He looked over to see the back of Reese's blonde head.

"Yes, she is just another Liv," Mona looked at him as if he was stuck in a rut.

Rico sighed. "If you say so." He'd let her win. He wanted to stop this nonsense.

"You, just can't get over her, can you?" She hugged herself. A part of him felt certain she was talking about someone else. Although, he knew there was a lot of hate between Liv and her. Back then, he thought it was all Tristan's fault. Yet now, it felt Mona was jealous.

"Oh, I'm over her," he told Mona. "I haven't even thought of Liv until you brought  her up." 

Rico stood his ground as he tilted his head and stared at her as if he would will her to go away.

Mona said nothing. 

"What's your point?" Rico wanted to know. He looked to see Reese looking back at him. He left Mona fuming.

"Sorry," Rico said a few seconds later to Reese as he sat across from her at the booth. "Just somebody from high school."

"She looks too old for high school," Reese told him as she started to sip her strawberry smoothie.

"Yeah, she was a grade ahead of me," he told her he never dated her. 

"She looks like the big sister type," Reese shrugged with a sunny smile. "You know, the kind who wants you right under her thumb."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Rico nodded and sipped his drink. They talked about class then. There was a lot of reading to do. 

"And a paper," Reese was a little bug-eyed about it. Rico smiled. He had a feeling they would both have to find somebody who could help them write a paper. They might be the worst students in class. 

About then, Rico looked up. He almost choked on his drink. There was Hoyt and he was with Mona's doppleganger.


  1. Seeing someone who looks exactly like someone we know can be unnerving!

  2. I agree with Ivana!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  3. Very interesting ๐Ÿ˜Š Have a nice day ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. An unpleasant situation for Rico

  5. An unpleasant situation for Rico

  6. You describe nicely every part of the situation.

  7. Uy pobre Rico. Te mando un beso

  8. Que susto que Rico levou!
    Queria experimentar um smoothies gelado.

  9. hola
    ese final me ha dejado con ganas de mas, a ver que pasa


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