Monday, September 2, 2024

Hello September


Woo reaches for the spice that Liv wants in the kitchen. Funny, he thinks the kitchen is the center of the apartment. Not that other room. Of course, this is where they talk the most, and he knows she's been down ever since she found out her brother and his girlfriend moved into her parents' home.

"Are you homesick?" He asks, a little worried that maybe her stay is over and she needs to go back to the States.


But he's not sure he believes her. She's moody these days. He's not sure what to make of it. Yes, he admitted he was wrong about not telling Sunny about Hart, but that feels like it is water under the bridge now. He won't make that mistake again. Of course, they both work at the language school now. He knows it's been hard for her, but he knew he asked the wrong question. It feels something is wrong, but he doesn't know.

He hands her the garlic powder. Yes, she has Americanized the place with her Italian and Mexican dishes, and he loves it. He tells her every night she's the best cook in the world. Naturally, she says to stop teasing her, but he means it. 

"I..I want you to stay, you know."

"Why wouldn't I stay?" She looks at him with a wrinkle of worry in her forehead as she stands there in her kitchen clothes and rubber slippers. Oh, it's messy, but aren't they both when it comes to cooking? Among other things. He knows he is the mess. Still, he finds what he needs to help her dinner.

"Then..then let's get married." He's even lipped. OK, so it wasn't the most fantastic proposal, but then again, they are both practical. She doesn't like for him to bring her flowers. She likes to look at them on walks, but wouldn't dare pick one or two.

He senses her laughter. A smile almost slips but so does a tear. She hugs him and she blubbers, "You know, you're all I've got."

He nods.

"I mean, almost," Liv says as she looks up at him then with her arms on his shoulders.

"Almost?" He looks at her blankly.

She nods. Her face is so angelic yet she looks as if she might be daring too. That's when she tells him about the stick test she took this morning.

"What?" Woo is thrilled with the news. She tells him he's the first to know.

"Then..then.." He presses his lips tight, trying not to get too ahead of himself. 

"I found a place not too far," she says about the prenatal care. She's already made an appointment. 

Woo sighs. "You'll marry me? Won't you?"

"Of course, I will." She is full of laughter. "This is our home. You are where I belong."

"You'll have to let your parents know." He tells her. "Maybe they can come here?"

She sighs as if he's asking too much. He takes her hands then. "Oh, come on, you know you'd want them here to see us get married, wouldn't you?"

"I can't worry about them. I can't," she says, but that look in her eye tells him they've never worried about her.


  1. In the world there is too many thing to be worried about...


  2. I wish you a wonderful September.

  3. hola
    he vuelto de las vacaciones, así que tengo que ponerme al día en la novela. A ver si no tardo en hacerlo.
    Feliz Septiembre

  4. Not every marriage proposal needs to be very romantic.
    It is the sentiment that counts!

  5. Great chapter dear. September is my favorite month of the year

  6. Me gusto el fragmento . siempre es bueno unir tu vida con alguien. Te mando un beso.

  7. If they don't worry about us, why should we worry about them?


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