Saturday, August 31, 2024

They don't love you like I love you


Hoyt needed to figure out who to turn to. He felt he didn't have any real friends. Sure, there were the dudes at work. They were a team getting lawns done. One had helped him get on as a City employee. 

Of course, he thought it was in a step in the right direction. He knew Mona thought he was a Momma's Boy. But still, he didn't know if it was the right path with Mona. Still, he'd been there when she was at his worst. He'd never wanted to be with anyone else. Yet, he felt so alone. She wasn't exactly a Hallmark movie.

So here he was at the gym, and thankfully Eric was there. They kind of knew each other. And after all, Eric always had a friendly smile.

"What are you doing here?" Eric chuckled when he saw Hoyt messing around with the weights to lift. "You've had to take debris away since the storm. You should be resting up."

"Oh, I just can't sleep at night," Hoyt confessed.

"Really?" Eric nodded as if he understood. "As much as I love my Derrick, we have to sleep in separate rooms, but that's not stopping us from being together."

Hoyt nodded. He guessed everyone went through this. Was that all it was? "Don't just old people do that?"

"No, I don't think so," Eric winced. "My Foster Mom told me her own mother used to sleep in a separate room from her husband, but now that they are in Assisted Living they are more close to each other than ever before."

Naturally, Eric made him feel he didn't have a thing to worry about. Hoyt went back to see how many weights he could lift. Still, there was a thought that maybe he would have been better off with Delia.

He just couldn't shake the thought. She'd always been good to him and was there at a beckoning call. Except, he hadn't been that kind to her and was pretty demanding. In fact, he thought now he'd acted just like Mona. 

Of course, Delia was with Tristan now and they were pretty much set in stone at Tristan's parents house.

Maybe if he and Mona had a house, it would be different. But Hoyt didn't think so.  No, he was beginning to think he was just her house boy when she needed him. How could he have been so wrong about Mona. 

An old Yeah Yeah's song kept coming back to him "They don't love you like a love  you."

Now it felt so hopeless. He didn't like giving up on this dream, but it might have an expiration date that expired years ago.


  1. You can find a friend when you didnt expect It. Good friend that try to help him with his words

  2. I wish you a wonderful weekend <3

  3. You should never give up on your dreams, because dreams are meant to come true.
    I like your interesting stories. Write as much as you can, because you do it great. Regards, have a nice weekend!

  4. love the connection to famous music lyrics of the titles

  5. Great title and nice story to read, it's always wonderful to read you.

  6. Hoyt’s struggle and introspection really resonate. It’s tough feeling isolated and questioning a relationship that once seemed promising. Eric's perspective on separate rooms and enduring love offers a glimmer of hope, yet the doubt about his choices and past decisions lingers. It’s a poignant reminder that sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don’t turn out as we hoped. Thanks for sharing Hoyt's journey—it's a powerful reflection on relationships and self-discovery. Happy weekend. I just shared a new post, I invite you to check it out. Thank you.

  7. Talvez Hoyt precise tentar de novo, dar mais uma chance para ele e Mona, mas ela precisa colaborar também. O esforço deve ser dos dois. Beijos! (‾◡◝)

  8. Es terrible cuando te das cuenta que tu relación ya no va para mas. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso

  9. Those are tough thoughts tohave. It's hard when you wonder what might have been, and have doubts about who you're with.

    And good luck with the library move. That sounds like... a big deal.

  10. Hopefully, Hoyt finds the right way out of his feelings of loneliness and helplessness with Delia being with Tristan, and Mona treating him as her house boy.

  11. Another neat episode Ellie!
    I also really liked the photo collage you made!
    Have a wonderful month!

  12. Other good chapter
    Thanks for sharing, I am so happy to read more and more about your stories
    Hugs ♥

  13. Additional:I think the end is near for their relationship. With Hoyt pondering it so deeply, it seems the chapter is coming to a close. Sometimes, we must let go to allow for new beginnings."

  14. Separate rooms are the best solution for partners with different sleeping schedules and habits.
    However, there is something to say about breathing the same air together.
    Maybe separate beds in the same rooms are a good compromise.


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