Sunday, October 6, 2024

Give me a tear drop, I'll give you an ocean

 "What is wrong with you?" Sammie was still in shock that Gabe would be this way with his mother. "How could you say those things to her?" She hugged herself in doubt about the Gabe she knew. This was so out of character. She thought she knew him all this time, but she didn't speculate too much. She went to the kitchen to start dinner.

"I shouldn't have told you," he said following her and getting ready to chop up the veg she might need for the stirfry.

Sammie pressed her lips tight, wondering if his mom was OK.

"See, I told you long before now that you two needed to talk, why wait right before Pan gets married."

She was certain she was talking to no one, but Gabe was peeling an onion and she noticed the tears dripping from his face.

"I don't know why I did it," he sighed. "Maybe, maybe its because I guess, you know, she knows him best. Not me. And..and why shouldn't it be that way."

"But it's not your fault," she reached out and touched the top of his head. She knew his scent from here. Oh, so many things that still must be a msytery to his mom. "I know it isn't fair. All those years you two spent apart, but now's the time to make up and be together."

"It's hard to talk, OK?" Gabe looked up to her. Sammie wrapped her arms around him, even if she was too close to the onion. They both cried. 

"Just be happy for Pan and Wade," she whispered in his ear and went back to check on the mushrooms sizzling in the skillet.

"You know, I tell you everything," he brought the chopped onions to her as well as the jalapeno he chopped.

"I know," Sammie nodded. That's when she told him about her visit with Rico. "He didn't really want to see me, you know." She felt she wasn't as close to Rico as she used to be. Maybe it was Vada's fault, or was it Mona?

"Not everyone is going to like me," she nodded. She understood. She thought of Caitlin and how annoyed she always was around her. Sammie smiled then. "And there are those that you can do no wrong around." Sammie thought of Caitlin's husband Deano. She could always count on him to be her side.

"But the thing is, I don't want to have just one person on my side in the family," Sammie told him as she tossed the pre-cooked white chunks of chicken from yesterday in with the veg. "Just like you, we need to be there for family." 

Sammie thought they should invite Gabe's mother over more than once a month. 

Gabe gritted a smile as if she was asking for too much.

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