Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Not tryna be romantic

 Justin didn't want to get into it with Carmen about the Randy situation. He'd told Randy this. More of a warning, than anything.

There was a girl a couple of floors down that Randy noticed. And she knew his name now. She loved saying his name everytime she saw him, and he would turn and smile.

Cassie was wheel chair bound. She wasn't the healthiest girl in the world either. She had bouts of hosptial stays. Justin didn't know what it all entailed, but he knew this much from her mother. Since she'd asked if Randy could come over sometime, just to watch TV and of course, eat. 

"Now you can't get too close to her," he'd informed Randy that he had to be on his best behavior or he wouldn't get to go.

Of course, Randy did his little dance of laughter. After all, he was still a kid at heart and from a group home. He liked to eat snacks with Cassie. Sometimes, they would do art. He liked to eat cookies. Her mom was a great cook. 

"I like Cassie," Randy had nodded. 

Justin was glad to hear Cassie was in her twenties, as well. It was nice they'd found each other. At the same time, it was a little unnerving, but he wanted Randy to make friends on his own too. 

"I'm the one who told him that," he finally admitted to Carmen. "You remember, Cassie, don't you?"

"Oh, the girl in the wheelchair," Carmen remembered she did have some speech problems, but she said she'd heard Randy say that she had a beautiful voice.

"He would say that," Justin sighed. Honestly, he didn't know if Randy was smittened or just full of gratitude about Cassie. He had a feeling Cassie was smarter than him, but she couldn't get around too well. Still, she was cute and she was always happy to see him.

"I wonder, if they sing together?" Justin thought of it all quite endearing. "I guess we should have her here, sometime."

"Well, let's wait and see," Carmen said she liked the idea, but she remembered Randy's attention span too. "I'd like to help her mom out, I'm sure it might be an undertaking having the two of them together, every day."

Justin nodded. "I'm still looking for some group activities for Randy other than hanging out with those from the group home."

But he'd been writing on his novel while taking online classes. Squeezing in a few minutes to write was a challenge, but he'd been consistant lately and he hoped to keep it up.


  1. Everyone, wheelchair bound or not, deserves some good bravo, Randy.

  2. I love that Randy is spending time with Cassie - she seems like a sweetheart.


  3. hola
    Randy es un personaje que me gusta

    1. Randy is a character I like...Thanks so much!

  4. Eu também gostei da Cassie.
    o(*°▽°*)o Beijos!


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