Monday, October 14, 2024

Just stick around and you'll find out

 "You don't have to kiss," Randy said as if it was important for Carmen to know. Of course, she was in the middle of getting the dishes out of the dishwasher when he said it.

"What? What did you just say?" She winced with a smile. Did she hear him correctly? "What are you talking about?"

"You know, you don't have to kiss," he nodded.


After his announcement on the subject, he went to his room with his library books which were all juvenial graphic novels.

Carmen wasn't sure what to say. And Randy didn't wait for an answer. 

Justin was in his room at his laptop. His door was open but she tapped on the door anyway. He seemed to be in deep thought. She hated to bother him.

"Did you hear what Randy said?" Carmen sighed as she hugged herself leaning in his doorway.

"I guess, I didn't."

Justin was still studying his screen. "What is it?" He turned to look at her.

"Randy? What's he going on about?' She looked at him ever so serious.

"About what?"

"You haven't heard him? Haven't you been listening?" Carmen knew he spent more time with  him than she did.

"Um," Jusin shrugged as if he didn't really have time to guess.

"You know, It's OK not to Kiss?"

"And..and that's a bad thing?" He was straight lipped.

"Well, you know," she'd never really thought about it. It wasn't something anyone talked about when she was growing up. "It  just sounds kind of weird." She shrugged back as if she guessed she was making something out of nothing.

"Is it?" He kept staring at her as if he didn't want to talk about it. "Look, he has to know to give people their space. And ...well.."

Carmen nodded. She knew he was right. It was just a phrase she'd never heard of. Was it a trend she needed to know more about?

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