Saturday, October 12, 2024

There's no one to save us

 Rico wasn't sure what to expect, but there Mona was waiting for him at the coffee shop. It felt like a neutral ground. Although, they hadn't had coffee before and she didn't have any now, either.

"Should I get us some drinks?" He offered, but she was even lipped. Rico couldn't sit down empty handed. "Is a black coffee all right or something sweet."

By her expression, he was certain she wouldn't go for a latte. He met her halfway with a Flat White. That was always his favorite coffee.

Once the wait was over, he was waiting as if it were the gallows. 

"I did call, you know," he looked at her brightly. He'd even texted. Nothing. It was her idea to meet up. He wished now she'd said it on the phone and he could have been left alone. 

"It's just-" she left the answer hanging as she sipped the foamy drink. He took a sip of his as if he could wait for her ultimatum. 

"I wanted to see you again," Mona said. Rico looked at her blankly wondering if he was the bad guy or the good guy. Gabe gave him the feeling he was totally bad. Rico didn't want to be. All Rico could do was give her a nod. 

He felt as if she held all the cards. Still, he wanted to say something, but he knew it would be wrong. That was the Mona he knew. Always telling him he was wrong.

"I think-" There she went again. Rico waited for the worst.

"It's just you are younger than me," Mona squinted hard.

"Not that much younger," he told her, but hesitated to say anymore. If only he could say what he felt like saying, but it was always a guessing game with Mona. 

"We..we should just see where this goes. You know, you and me."

"Um." Rico nodded and reminded her he worked weekends at the skating rink. He was taking a full load of classes and he still helped with the chairs and tables during the week in the commons when there were special occasions.

"You sound like I won't see you at all," Mona practically winced tears. "Maybe we should just live together."

"Oh." Rico cleared his throat. Unsure, what his dad might say about that. He sighed and she reached for his hand. Suddenly, he didn't much care what his dad thought.


  1. My...this Mona is just too dramatic. Definitely not my type LOL...What's so big deal that Rico is older than she?

  2. Interesting -Christine

  3. there's always someone to save us.
    You just have to know where to look

  4. Mientras estés con quien amas . no importa nada más. Te mando un beso.


  5. Mona shouldn't have such concerns, but I understand her too.

  6. Great chapter. I can understand Rico.
    Sometimes thinking about what other people might think is overwhelming.

  7. Interesting chapter.
    Sometimes it's hard to ignore what other people think.


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