Tuesday, January 28, 2025

What is it about Dora

 "What happened her!" Bren's dad practically gasped in Holden and Dora's kitchen, but it didn't stop him from stacking a couple of bagels on his plate.

Bren winced. She didn't have to ask what he meant. Yes, having a baby changed Holden's wife. She didn't want to hear her dad say, "Dora got fat."

She hushed him. "Don't you dare, you're no Casanova, you know?"

"Casanova?" He looked at her puzzled. 

"Oh, right, you do have that fan girl club of yours," Bren hugged herself and shrugged. Her dad did take a liking at the South Korea Center where Sunday afternoons meant him singing old trotter songs and even older ladies waiting to dance with him. 

He just smiled, but then remembered. "Should we be worried about Holden?"

Bren tilted her head and shook her head. "Lets just be happy baby Tris is OK."

Dora had a C-section. That baby was either a budha or an angry bulldog. He slept good the first few nights, but then on that fifth day he woke up fussy.

"He's just like his father," her dad said about the baby.

"I bet he's just like you were," Bren pressed a smile and went to get him a fresh cup of coffee. Of course, Bren came by every morning with food because her dad was staying with them. Although, he really wasn't much help, but he was proud that his son had a son.

"Let's hope he won't be too colicky."

Bren knew Dora was trying her best to breastfeed him, and the baby was sucking the life out of her.

"Her boobs are too large." Her father said his piece and went back to crunch on a bagel with cream cheese.

"That's the way it's supposed to be," Bren told him. Oh, she hoped he would figure out a way to embrace his daughter-in-law. She might never be the little doll that Holden married, but she was a grownup now.


She could tell her dad was certain Holden didn't like it either. Bren did her best to hold in a laugh. She thought Holden was doing just fine. He was there with Dora for every tiny moment. He stayed up nights with little Tristan, which they dubbed Tris.

"When do you think his namesake will be over to see him?" Her dad took another strip of crispy bacon and practically took it in his mouth in one gulp.

"Remember, he's sick. They'll be around." Bren told him she got a call from Dale who was coming with a friend to visit.


  1. Oh how I remember those sleepless nights! I smiled when her father said her breasts were too large. That’s why my own told me not to breastfeed!

  2. hola
    he leído varias entradas seguidas porque así disfruto más, y me he quedado con muchas ganas de leer el siguiente capítulo.

  3. Replies
    1. Unfortunately, we do find flaws in the family. And sometimes, you would never know until occasion like this rises. I'm not sure if it's a generation thing or what, but we have someone in our family like this.

  4. This made me laugh s much. Bren's dad :) I like that they named him Tristan, Tris for short. and ooh Dale is coming over. I like how everyone's connected


  5. The father is very insensitive, perhaps he doesn't know how his choice of words affects others.

  6. Uy el padre de Bren es un bruto. Te mando un beso.

  7. Really interesting chapter, have a baby is a nice thing but a complicate thing too
    I hope you have a really nice february, and a good year
    Hugs, a lot of hugs to you ♥

  8. Poor Bren. His father is terrible.


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