Friday, March 7, 2025

Never believe it's not so

 "Oh, the jobs are out there, you just got to find them," Gabe shrugged about the matter. Granted he was no rocket scientist and neither was Diago, but after listening to Diago go on about how he wanted to move out from his parents and make a home with Ali  (actually everytime, he saw him and he did see him in passing when Gabe and Sammie lived above the pizzeria).

So they took a trip to the Career Center. It was affiliated with the local college, but it was new and dedicated to helping those find jobs in the metro with specific skills.

"Maybe it can be something temporary," Gabe said. "I was never good at taking tests." And Diago was struggling to get all the classes he needed in a degree he couldn't even decide on. "Maybe you want to be a chef?"

Diago shook his head, no at that. He didn't like the idea. He was just helping out at the pizzeria to give Cori the owner more down time with his family.

Soon enough they were looking at plenty of options at the career center, from mechanics, machinery, welding, and even truck driving. There was plenty to choose from to learn a trade.

"But maybe you just want to keep going to the university," Gabe said he understood. 

"I dunno," Diago did look a little lost about his future. "I just want Ali to be happy."

"Well, maybe she could find something, here too," Gabe thought they could both find better paying jobs than at the pizzeria. 

Diago nodded. "It's just you know, she has other things on her mind."

"Oh," Gabe didn't want to talk to him about those transitioning matters. It wasn't easy with what was  happening politically these days. There were more out of pocket expenses than ever. "Well, maybe you can at least find something to give you a better way of being on your own."

Still, Gabe wanted his cousin to know, it might be hard work, but it could be done, even if they had to keep saving and live on less to make a future for themselves.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, he has a job, just not the best paying one. These days, high schools are doing their best to help students get the training they need in many of these work force jobs before they have to be hit with tuitions. Also many uni students are having to wait for classes they need to graduate.

  2. Good jobs are sometimes hard to come by...but we have to start somewhere.


  3. A job can be a start and you can always improve from there.

  4. Bien por Gabe, te mando un beso.

  5. Really, really interesting chapter
    Thank you for share your creativty and your stories, I really enjoy them
    I hope you are okey and you have a good days
    Hugs ♥

  6. Jobs don't always pay enough to have an independent life, making everything complicated. Here, young people sometimes have such low salaries that they have to stay in their parents' house.
    Happy Women's Day 🌺

  7. Happy International Women's Day!


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