Sunday, March 9, 2025

Some things last a long time

Despite the threat of Covid daily at work, March was marching on. Louie didn't know how may tests he'd taken recently, but he hadn't gotten it yet, even if he felt tired and possibly irritable, but he did his best not to let Sunny notice. After all, she thrived in her new job at the Assisted Living Facility. Still, he felt they kept missing each other even if they shared a home together. When they did have time, they usually fell asleep on the couch while watching Will Trent.

When a knock came to his door, he was wide awake trying to clean up so Sunny could come home to a tidy place. To Louie's surprise, it was Chai, and he was alone.

"Is everything all right?" 

His sidekick, Daisy wasn't with him.

"No, it's not all right," Chai's voice was dull. 

Louie offered coffee or tea as he went to get the kettle on. He did have an inkling this might happen. After all, Chewy was not exactly Father Knows Best, even if he thought he was.

"Sorry, he's been so much trouble," Louie shrugged. However, Chewy had not come home. Sunny and Louie had not touched his room either. Louie knew it was just temporary.

"Why? Why does he do just the opposite of what he tells me to do?" Chai fretted. He was not happy with the living arrangements. Chewy was at Daisy's beckoning call.

"Maybe, he what's they say 'having what you're having', Maybe he just envies you." Louie shrugged with a smile.

"Envy!" Chai protested with a squint. He pressed his lips tight. "I have not slept a whole night since Daisy was born."

"You are her father," Louie simply said.

Chai was straight lipped as if he didn't want to believe it. 

"You took responsibility for her, when no one else would," Louie reminded him. "I think Chewy just wants to be a part of your life, and the only way he knows how is helping you with Daisy."

Chai looked tired and weary. He looked away and blinked tears.

"It must hurt, but let him get tired," Louie exposed a little smile. "He's far too energetic and if anyone can wear him down, you know, it's Daisy. He'll see you in a new light. Sooner or later."

Chai wiped his nose against the back of his hand. Louie went to make him a cup of tea and asked him to stay for scrambled eggs and toast. It was the least he could do.


  1. It's so beautiful how Louie supports the exhausted Chai!
    It's so important for friends to de-escalate situations rather than fuel conflicts—that's how balance is found!
    Another wonderful and insightful episode,
    Ellie, I really loved it!

  2. Chai is so dramatic...cried and sad because Chewy and Daisy slept on sofa in living room?


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